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International / Foreign Military Sales Logistics

shutterstock_126883769The Logistics business exists in, and supports, a truly global environment of transportation, export controls, and technical documentation for commercial and government clients.  As a Department of State-registered exporter, LSInc can provide a variety of international logistics functions.  Our SMEs have the technical training and experience in implementing Security Assistance Program (SAP) Foreign Military Sales (FMS) policies and procedures, as well as development of Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) products, for international and domestic customers.  Our core competencies in Naval logistics, maintenance, configuration management, and specific supply chain management functions, are easily transferrable to requirements of FMS ship transfer and follow on support.  Also, our transportation expertise directly facilitates international transactions, with additional freight forwarding support capabilities.  We can work with all parties in ensuring regulatory compliance for U.S. Munitions List (USML) and Export Administration Regulations (EAR) material, and necessary liaison with the Departments of State and Commerce for export licensing and Technical Assistance Agreements (TAAs).