Professional Services

Supporting those who safeguard our freedom— every mission, every day

Logistics Support Incorporated provides a broad range of professional services driven by industry standards and best business practices. We provide a full-service suite of offerings that contribute to increased capability, value, and customer satisfaction. Recognizing each customer has unique challenges, we work collaboratively to understand and address their requirements, providing services that result in success.

Logistics Support Incorporated has been a strong partner with many organizations providing services in the functional areas of maintenance, engineering, program management, and personnel sourcing.

Project Breakdown of Our Professional Services Division

We leverage our extensive and diverse experience in providing:

Navy Acquisition and Independent Logistics Assessment (ILA) support services for NAVSEA, Washington Navy Yard.

We provide Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) to evaluate acquisition programs for milestone decisions. We provide Administrative Support Services to support the development of After-Action Reports/minutes, routing packages, ILA Final Reports, feedback forms, ILA briefs, databases, and trackers.

Life-Cycle Logistics & Configuration Management (CM) support services for NAVSEA.

We provide SME support and leadership for the development and update of CM and all elements of Product Support Management (PSM) policies, procedures, technical specifications, and standards associated with the migration of authoritative legacy systems to the Navy’s Model Based Product Support (MBPS) enterprise solution.

Business Financial Management (BFM) services for NAVSEA.

We provide extensive financial management support for the planning and execution of the OPN, WPN, O&MN, & RDT&E appropriations.

Transportation program services for NAVSEA.

In this role, we provide a full spectrum of transportation management services. This includes the necessary oversight of NAVSEA’s Warfare Centers and field activities necessary to ensure adherence to established laws and regulations in the efficient movement and on-time delivery of critical outsized cargo, hazardous and sensitive material, and the more mundane material that the U. S. Navy requires.

Outfitting & Allowancing support services for NAVSEA.

Support includes the review of Outfitting HiVal support includes the review of thousands of Outfitting requisitions with thousands deemed invalid or cancelled, resulting in millions of dollars of cost avoidance to the Other Procurement Navy (OPN) Account annually. LSInc also provides support for Executive Spares Reviews (ESRs), the update of provisioning policies, and the Team Outfitting Working Group (TOWG).

Supplier Product Quality support services for NAVSEA.

Support to SEA 06 for the Level I (LI) Material Control Program and as related to the Controlled Industrial Material Program (CIM), Corporate Receipt Inspection (RI) Program, and Quality Management System (QMS) Program.

Logistics Functional Area Management (FAM) support services for OPNAV N4L.

Support includes serving as SME for the Navy Modernization Program (NMP) Entitled Process, providing direction in the Resource Sponsor approval of C4I ship alterations, support in the evaluation of Logistics Defense Business System Investments, and the review and recommendation of investment certification requests.


Delivering quantifiable cost savings and improvements in readiness to our customers.